Logo Design: Customize Letters To Make Meaningful Designs
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Logo Design: Customize Letters To Make Meaningful Designs

How does a designer come up with logo concepts? What if you can’t find the right icon to represent your company? If you are struggling with an icon to represent your company or brand you can always start with typography. Explore different font families that relate to the product or your brand. Then, if possible,…

Graphic Design Basics: What Are The Gestalt Principles?

Graphic Design Basics: What Are The Gestalt Principles?

“All things exist in interaction with other things.” – Malcolm Grear The Gestalt Principles, also known as the principles of grouping, were proposed by psychologists in the early 20th century to explain how humans naturally perceive visual objects as organized patterns. According to the principles, “objects or shapes that are close to one another appear to…

WordPress: How To Add a Slideshow from a Gallery
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WordPress: How To Add a Slideshow from a Gallery

Here is how to use a Gallery in WordPress and have the image thumbnails enlarge to full view when clicked on. First, we’re assuming you know how to create a Gallery in WordPress. If not, simply search in the Block inserter for “gallery” or “image,” then click to insert a new Gallery. Then, Upload images…

WordPress: How To Add Specific Post Categories Or Authors To A Page Or Post
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WordPress: How To Add Specific Post Categories Or Authors To A Page Or Post

Have you ever wanted to add Posts from a specific category or author on a Page or Post? Great news, you can do this with the newest versions of WordPress! While older versions required some PHP coding or the use of a Plug-In or Theme with the feature, new versions of WordPress that use Blocks…

Twitter Embed Streams Not Working? Here’s How To Fix On HTML & WordPress Websites.
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Twitter Embed Streams Not Working? Here’s How To Fix On HTML & WordPress Websites.

Nothing to see here – yet. Ever since Elon Musk took over Twitter we’ve seen some crazy things happening. For one, the verification or “Twitter Blue” subscription became a must for professionals using Twitter. Some have started to pay the monthly (or yearly) subscription, and some have held firm against having to pay for an…

Verifying Google Analytics & Webmaster Tools after HTTPS SSL Upgrade

Verifying Google Analytics & Webmaster Tools after HTTPS SSL Upgrade

Something that has become super popular among web developers, marketers and website owners is upgrading websites with an SSL certificate. The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) verifies with Google that a certificate has been purchased for the domain and supposedly helps with SEO ranking. You can tell a site is “secure” with a little padlock icon…